Monday 21 November 2011

Assessing the Need for Assistive Technology and Effective Implementation

Cartoon courtesy of 22 Words-National Post
SETT – What is it? Why do I need it?

The SETT Framework was created to assist school teams in making decisions about, the ongoing assistive technology needs of students.  To create the best outcome for students, the framework should be revisited often to assess changes in the student's abilities, the environment or the tasks a student needs to perform. The four interconnected areas to consider before any purchase of equipment is made are as follows:

Student: What are the student’s strengths and needs?

Environment: What are the situations where help is needed?
Tasks: What are the SPECIFIC tasks that the student needs to be able to accomplish to meet IEP goals?
Tools: What AT or services will address these tasks?

Joy Zabala developed the SETT framework and provides in depth support and blank documents to assist schools in creating student AT support systems.  A complete overview of the SETT framework as explained by the creator is available here:

For a collection of SETT documents and ideas on using the framework:

Another model to consider for technology integration is the Human Activity Assistive Technology Model (HATT), developed by Cook and Hussey.

In the HAAT model considers :

  • Humanthe skill and abilities of the person involved
  • Activity  - the 3 areas of self care, school and play
  • Assistive Technology -  the enabler for performance improvement

(Lynda S. Hartman rev 7/7/07)

This link provides more information regarding the model

More information and a complete description of the HATT model can be found at:

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