Sunday 20 November 2011

Assistive Technology for Hearing and Vision Disabilities

Deaf and Hearing Impairments
Supporting students who are deaf or have a hearing impairment often involves using an assistive technology. Since hearing disabilities are considered low incidence, many educators have limited experience with them. Students who are deaf or have a hearing impairment can be included in the classroom much more easily than in the past. We've moved beyond interpreter's and hearing aids, and towards technologies that allow students more access to the regular classroom routines.
A common device used in classrooms today is an Assistive Listening System, in which a small microphone is worn around the Teacher's neck, and the sound is transferred through and FM signal directly to a students ear.

This is a list of common devices for hearing impaired students.

It's important for teachers to also recognize the many barriers that deaf and hard of hearing students face even with assistive technology. This guide on hearing disability issues discusses how educators can make their classrooms and technology usage more accessible to hearing impaired students.

Photo courtesy of University of Alberta's
Brailled devices and software

Blind and Visually Impaired
When we think about the average classroom, it is very visually stimulating. Learning is largely supported through visual supports not just for students with exceptional learning needs, but for all students. Students who have a visual impairment or who are blind need to be supported in alternative ways, and moreover have the right to express themselves in alternative ways. To the left is a device called the Braille 'n Speak, and it is a device for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. There are many types of assistive technology for students with these disabilities, and since there is a wide range of visual abilities, (i.e mild, moderate and severe visual impairments). I have attached a very useful guide for educators on the many types of assistive technologies. 
Again, the importance of assessment is emphasized in this article! An essential component to any classroom assistive technology device.

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