Friday 18 November 2011

AT to Support Struggling Writers

Writing is a “complex problem solving activity” (Dell et. Al. 2008).  Writing involves thinking, planning, decision-making and mechanics.  Combining technology with writing process instruction, can assist students in their written communication skills.  For more ideas see: 

Low – Mid Tech Adaptations
High Tech Adaptations

Writing Process Problems: Can't get started, support for
Printable Graphic Organizers for each stage and genre of writing.

Strategies and lesson plans:

 Kidspiration / Inspiration Software (Graphic Organizers)

WordQ: (Word Prediction & Text to Speech)

Read Write Gold: (Reading, Writing and Study Skills)

Microsoft Word

Poor fine motor control: Awkward pencil grip, slow, poorly spaced letters

Pencil Grips, slant boards, specialty papers.

Practical ideas about handwriting from an OT

Handwriting instruction and support for teachers anrents

Poor Spelling, Grammar, Syntax, vocabulary

High Frequency word charts

Personal Dictionaries based on subjects and topics

 Franklin Talking Dictionary
Microsoft Word

WordQ: (Word Prediction & Text to Speech)

Read Write Gold: (Reading, Writing and Study Skills)

Note Taking: Difficulty taking notes from board
Provide photocopies of another students notes, or paper copies of power points, Smart Board notes, teacher notes, etc.
Students who are able to type: Alphasmart

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