Monday 21 November 2011

Assistive Technology Across All Borders: Teacher Supports for Encouraging Student Self Advocacy

Integrating a student's assistive technology across all applicable faucets is essential. A student needs to feel comfortable not only using his/her device, but needs to have skills to advocate for using their device, their specific learning style and the nature of their disability. Self Advocacy refers to "the ability to act as a casual agent in one's life and to make independent choices and decisions" (Behnke & Bowser, 2010).
An early step to creating this confidence starts with Teacher support and connections from classroom to classroom to home. Integrating his/her technology in many different situations, (i.e communicating at home and at school with a communication device) will influence the confidence that student has in his/her device.
Edyburn discusses a few important elements about what Teachers might face when advocating for their students use of AT. In his article on Assistive Technology Advocacy, Teachers are provided with a useful script of conversations on how to encourage and promote Assistive Technology self advocacy in schools and in students. Although it references American legislation, the foundation is applicable to our schools and students.

This is Alberta's document on Self-Advocacy. Notice the attention to involving students in the processes of decision making about their education.

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